My name is Misty McLaughlan...I am the chic behind Mystic Memories.
So, you want to know a little about me?
Well I am the mother of two adorable little munchkins, and a wife to a hard working man!
I was born and raised in Blackfoot, Idaho. I moved away to attend college where I found my passion in life...Photography. Four years later, in 2006, I obtained my Bachelor's degree of Arts in the Mass Communications program (minor in Marketing). I am now back in Blackfoot raising a family of my own.
I have been capturing memories for others a few years now and I still get giddy & excited for every session I photograph. Honestly I get the butterflies before every session!
I am very blessed that I have the opportunity to do what I love & share it with others!
10 little Tidbits about me:
- I like to try new things. I have experienced: tap-dancing, gymnastics, piano, snowboarding, tennis, basketball, flag football, volleyball, dancing, softball, acting, singing, drawing, snorkeling, bowling, scuba-diving, para-sailing, hiking, white water rafting, horseback riding, roller blading.....ok I could go on forever but you get the point.
- My childhood and high school days were spent playing sports (mainly volleyball, basketball, and softball).
- I married my high school sweetheart.
- I would like to have 5 or 6 kids.
- I collect old cameras.
- I am addicted to McDonald’s Diet Coke.
- I enjoy decorating cakes.
- I love to be behind the camera....hate being in front of it!
- I photographed my first wedding in 2004 (with my mother's little hand held point-and-shoot Canon camera, I believe it only had 4 megapixels....I think about it now and I laugh – how silly I must have looked). Don't worry I have upgraded since.
- Underneath photography my other passion is Traveling. Which still has a lot to do with photography for me. Two of my favorite places to visit are New York and Hawaii. First time I went to New York City I took over 1000 pictures (I was only there for 3 days).
Well that's a little about me.